Williamstown Parish Heritage Map - Click to Enlarge

Heritage Society
There is a number of projects currently ongoing and all members are asked to attend so that each of these projects can be brought up to date. New members are welcome at any time and the fact that we continue to get new members and that the work of the society continues to interest other potential members is most encouraging. Tasks are being done through a combination of voluntary work by the members of the society and the co-operation and assistance of the excellent Rural Social Scheme.
Visit: www.williamstownheritage.com
Galway Rural Development Company Ltd
Williamstown District Notes, Local Event News, GAA Club and Heritage Society Project Updates
Visit: http://www.grd.ie/local-communities/Williamstown
Carrenderry Bog Road
The Carrenderry Bog Road to the rear of the Parish Church is a very popular walking route for both locals and visitors alike where, in addition to its beauty, remoteness and solitude, seven attractive information boards relating to the flora and fauna of the area further enhances the walk. Now, an additional feature, in the form of a second picnic table, has been put in position at roughly the halfway point of the walk. With the main roads now so busy with traffic, it is great to have this safe and excellent walking facility on our doorstep.